Thursday, August 5, 2010

Just a lil behind....

Sorry I have not posted anything since this weekend. This week has been a whirlwind of good news, bad news, accidents, and so on and so fourth. I have been so busy taking care of things I havent had a chance to post and I am sorry. My mother got into serious trouble at work... pretty bad. So please keep her in your prayers. I went to see her Monday evening and she is doing ok. Tuesday morning, on my way to work Roger called me. Which he usually always does, but it was about 30 mins earlier than he usually does. He said, "Hey babe, Ive got some more good news for ya". Me thinking he got a raise or bonus... No, he was laid off.....But its ok. Dont sweat the small stuff right. So, all of this in my head, I get off work and head home. Pull into the gas station, waiting on a pump, back up and hit someone square on the bumper. The guy was really nice though. Didnt hurt either car. So yeah it has been a rough week.
My cousin is staying with us this week. Shae is such a sweetie... Love her so much. Without her this week, I would have been a mess. So thank you Shae Shae...
Tonight is Kobe's open house for Kindergarten... so sad but exciting.. My baby boy is growing up :( He is excited. I will take plenty of pictures from tonight and Tuesday is his first day, so there will plenty on that day as well.

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my motto

Life is not about having what you want, but wanting what you have.